About Us

Veeksha Education is a noble world -class, registered training institute to support the development and growth of students in accounting CMA (USA), CMA (INDIA ),SAP, Logistics, ACCA, CPA,, CA, ICWA and related certifications in various streams at prestigious international universities and certifications for industries in both the Indian and International markets. We pride ourselves in training excellence, offering courses in Corporate Accounting with SAP, CMA (USA) with SAP (FICO) MM. SO, HR and Logistics with SAP ( Material Management ) aspiring graduates and other qualified students, looking to pursue a career in the Accounting and Logistics industry. For those already leading a successful career, Veeksha Education provides the opportunity to upskill or gain professional development, with a variety of short courses to further advance with the industry.

Director’s Message


Kavitha Nair

Other people’s successes are good news – for them and for you. Good for you because they show you a way to go.

“My dear students & parents,
I extend my greetings and best wishes to you all. Veeksha Education has established and maintained its quality and has reached even the remotest parts of Kerala and beyond, True to our motto- “Quality education to anyone”, We believe in giving quality education to students. Preparing them to face every problem related to concerning their career goals they are preparing for. I believe that success can certainly be attained by keeping a balanced approach while consistently doing hard work with full dedication, especially under the special guidance of professional experts in the respective field. In other words, Upon induction to the Veeksha’s classrooms you become a part of a powerful force that propels you towards success.

Academics is the core and purpose of any Institute. The academics at Veeksha
Education is oriented towards educating the mind

of an individual with the systematic use of Knowledge, Innovation & Technology.

Diversity and acceptance of one and another is the norm and motto of Veeksha Education and thus engaging the students in learning about their classmates from around the nation makes each shared story a teachable moment while constantly encouraging and instilling a love for learning. If you will too put your best efforts then I am sure that, together we can conquer any challenge we shall face in future so the basis of achieving success lies in the fact that hard work must be done in the right direction under the guidance of specialists, and such is the motto of Veeksha Education. If you are sincere and hard working, then i am willing to provide our full support and
guidance for your success. With blessings and good wishes,”